South Carolina
South Carolina is a rural state with 5.4 million people living within its borders, from the coastal environments along the Atlantic Ocean to the upstate region and the southern Appalachian Mountains. Allendale County, established in 1919, is the youngest of the state’s 46 counties. The county is small in land area (408 square miles), in population (7,300 people), with less than 20 people per square mile—the lowest density in the state. The county and town of Allendale (population 2,490) have experienced declining populations since 2000, affecting residents’ livelihoods. Our outreach includes all sectors of the county, ranging from farmers to educators, health care providers, and the local chamber of commerce. Non-profit organizations, along with elected and appointed officials, and individuals with local historical knowledge, are helping us understand the dynamics that have occurred in Allendale and the challenges they face in the future.