Where to Live seeks to enable improved adaptation planning and action by exploring how a variety of small changes can enhance responsiveness in Nevada’s rural communities. Nevada is the driest state in the nation and is experiencing more frequent, longer, warmer drought periods. Under this program, scientists are partnering in applied research with rural communities located within the Humboldt River Basin, the largest river basin wholly located within the state of Nevada. Our community research partners represent local water managers and users, all reliant upon winter snowpack accumulation and spring snowmelt for their water supply. By addressing these critical challenges through direct engagement with community research partners, we have the potential to advance innovation and promote economic stability and recovery.
Rural communities nationwide constitute 84% of the United States land area and are home to only 14% of the population. These areas serve as critical sources of the nation’s food supply, freshwater, wildlife habitat and energy as well as supporting carbon sequestration, recreation and tourism. Therefore, our outreach includes informing and verifying research underway at the national scale to identify human and physical factors that may contribute to resilience unique to rural communities.